Thursday, May 2, 2013

Challenge 14

I do think that it is very possible for students and teachers to share a workshop day and both parties benefit from the learning experience.  Sure teachers have a degree, but students are also able to teach teachers things that they do not know.  Everyone is able learn from others.  This is not a different situation.  I have created an agenda for a workshop if students and teachers were working together on team work.  Team work is an important concept for everyone to learn.  Team work will carry you through school to a job.  Being a team player is essential to life.  Learning how to work in groups and cooperate professionally is a great skill to have. 

Team Work Workshop

8:00—8:15                  Welcome Introduction                        Candace Smith

8:15—8:45                  Team Spirit                                          Guest Speaker

*Discuss the importance of working effectively and efficiently in groups.  Participants should have the desire            or spirit to part of a team.

8:45—9:00                  Break

9:00—9:30                  Divide into groups and receive topics

            1. Why have group assignments?

            2. Does working with a group benefit or hinder an individual from learning?

            3. How do you delegate group assignments amongst the group?

            4. How do you maintain group communication throughout the project?

            *Students and Teachers will both meet as a mixed group to discuss assigned topic.  They will be working in a group while discussing group topics.   Teachers will be able to       model group communication skills while processing how students feel about team work          in a group. 

9:30—11:30                Work Together Workshop

            *Participants work together in groups to produce answer to the topic question and will      prepare for a unique way to present the topic to the group.

11:30—1:00                Lunch

1:00—2:00                  Present topics to Group

2:00—2:15                  Break

2:15—3:15                  Present topics to Group

3:15—3:45                  Collaboration Time

            *Teacher will collaborate about what they learned from the students.

            *Students will collaborate about what they learned from the teachers.

            *One person from each group will be delegated as recorder to record and submit results    to workshop instructor. 

3:45—4:00                  Workshop Conclusion

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